We want to see the Kingdom of Heaven reign on the earth! Therefore, we submit our lives to God, go where He leads, identify areas to serve in the community we have been placed, and start developing relationships with hope and intentionality of making disciples that make disciples. We bridge cultural, economic, and spiritual barriers through God's love to help restore the communities of the earth.  As missionaries we seek to imitate the life of Christ, work alongside the local church and help accentuate its efforts in the community we reside, strengthening God's Kingdom throughout the earth. "Dare to Attempt Something so Big if God is not in it You will Fail" (D.L. Moody).

When we started RCM, we wanted to overcome the world. We still do, but we learned we need to do it in stages as the Lord determines (Proverb 16:9). There are many phases to complete a God sized vision and each segment of the vision requires focus, faith, and functionality.  Each segment has a beginning and an end; therefore, we dedicate ourselves to the process of knowing God.  We strive to navigate life with healthy and necessary endings that yield way to new beginnings in God's timing.  Our journey has led us to numerous countries around the world and much of the United States.  We have encountered people in high places and some feeling like they have no place at all.  Our love is to be the people God has designed us to be no matter who we encounter and through this type of interaction we pray others see the real Jesus in us! 

Over time we have learned vision adapts in missional form in order to achieve and expand the vision. The vision is to see the glory of God cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.  Therefore, we adapt to the people around us as God sends us places, not to adhere to their culture but to reveal the mystery of the kingdom so others can see how they belong.  Knowing people is our vision. The government of God is love and it has no end.  We are the people of God walking in our full inheritance as we become more like Christ every day.

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
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