Rev. Matthew H. Johns, aka. Mr. Matt to those in his community, intimately knows the dangers lurking and preying upon the American people, life without true identity masked in insecurity and indulgence.  Matt was once addicted to drugs, but now is addicted to Jesus!  Matt was born and raised outside Atlanta, GA in a single-family household due to divorce.  He fell into drugs and alcohol at the age of fourteen and after fourteen years of debauchery, Matt decided to follow Jesus at age twenty-eight.  Matt's way of understanding into the Kingdom of heaven was beloved identity through Christ Jesus who is Lord, and the power of the Holy Spirit who is also Lord!  Two years later he met his lovely wife, Ashley, and they married in 2006. 

Ashley is a devout servant of the Lord. She was born in North Dakota and grew up in a military family. She traveled extensively as a youth and went to college in Atlanta.  After graduating from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, she met Matt at a local church. Throughout their relationship and marriage God has awakened their inner beings with greater hunger for intimacy with Father, Son, and Spirit. It was her discovery of relationship with the Holy Spirit that allowed Ashley to break free from the bondage of dead religion.  For so many years of her faith journey she was bound by a theology of good works equals salvation, not beloved identity.  ​Today, Ashley is a proud mother of two and she spends the majority of her time enriching their family with a labor of love as she seeks to walk in the light of Proverbs 31.  Matt and Ashley enjoy working together through the power of God to help others know of His great love for all.
The Johns family mission is to reflect the glory of God by loving and encouraging each other to know and delight in their role in the Johns household and the family of God.   
"Repent for the Kingdom of God is near."

Matthew 3:2

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