The mission of RE-CHRIST MINISTRIES is to reveal, proclaim and demonstrate, the love of God to the world through Jesus Christ and help restore the communities of the earth in love. Our mission is endless in application, but the metric we measure our mission is found through hosting the presence of God in the earth and making disciples who do likewise. In order for the love of God to transform a family, a neighborhood, a workplace, an institution, a city, a state, or a nation (even the world) people must proclaim and demonstrate God's love to others and teach them to do the same.

Our mission began in Atlanta, GA by developing partnerships and seeking to establish the Kingdom of Heaven in lower socio-economic international apartment communities.  Through partnerships with members of God's family, local churches, local businesses, local government agencies, and schools we were able to bring forth the Kingdom to dark places.  We hosted church services, after school programs, English classes, Bible studies, food and clothing distribution, family events, medical clinics, and anything in between that provided opportunity to reveal, proclaim, and demonstrate the love of God to broken families.  Furthermore, our aim was the transformation of a closed community through the transformation of its residents in Christ Jesus. In many ways we were successful to reach our aim but in many other ways we fell completely short.  In the end God moved us forward to a new assignment after 12 years of ministry.  

Next, God relocated us to Tucson, Arizona for the same purpose and mission, but this time it would look a little different.  Our vantage point changed, and the culture was different therefore, our missional form looked different. In Tucson we focused more on individual homes.  Our aim was to see families growing in wholeness.  This was the main defeat from ministry in Atlanta.  Lots of individuals were touched by God but families remained broken in Atlanta. From our ministry experience in Atlanta, we learned that marriages needed to become healthy so that each family could become whole.  This meant less activities and greater depth of time and energy into deeper relationships with families in Tucson.  Although we spent extended time working with families in Tucson, we never lost sight of the orphaned children of the world.  God gave us the opportunity to serve in the foster care system in Arizona and build partnerships for the future.  In every location God sends our family, we will always look for the orphaned ones of the earth who need to connect with family.  This is the complexity of humanity.  We are so broken it takes wisdom to keep sight of the big picture among so many broken pieces.  We ministered in Tucson for six years. 

The Johns family now resides in Mobile, Al.  We have found a local family of believers who hunger to host the presence of God in the earth.  In Atlanta we worshiped with Gate City Church who host the presence of God.  In Tucson we worked to set up house church networks where families could grow in community with one another and host the presence of God in homes.  Now in Alabama we are blessed to be part of the Homestead of Mobile. We are still discerning God's plan but with every move to a new city God gives us anchor points from last we came as He provides new assignments.  We continue to develop and maintain relationships for the purpose of laboring more and more until the job is done.  But can one really say worshipping Jesus is labor?  Jesus said my commands are not burdensome, come to me and you will find rest!  We pray people all around the world come into an understanding of rest and love in Christ Jesus, this King Jesus and His government have no end. We have begun the new process in Mobile as the summer of 2024.
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