Roamns 1:16
         "I am not ashmaed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who belives, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
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Testimonies are a vital portion of the faith journey in Jesus Christ.  Testimonies speak of life transformation in Christ and reveal how proclaiming and demonstrating the love of God brings forth the Kingdom of Heaven in the earth.  There are so many unseen and hidden stories at the center of God's ministry and we must learn to share them joyfully and boldly.  The Bible says we will overcome the world by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimonies.

It is impossible to share all the testimonies we have experienced because we continually experience new things in Christ each day.  If you want to receive our monthly newsletter for continual updates and testimonies contact us at and ask to be added to the electronic distribution list.  Here are a few stories from over the years that seek to provide a visual and perception into RE-CHRIST MINISTRIES and its impact in the earth. 

The testimonies we share on the webpage have names omitted or changed in order to protect the identity of the people we share, but the stories are real.  

1)  During our time in Arizona the Holy Spirit began to work in new and profound ways through our children.  Noah was radically touched by the Holy Spirit during a time of communion when the power of God came upon him and caused overflowing joy and praise to flow through him.  Both Noah and Eden began to receive words of knowledge during times of prayer as we would minister to people in Tucson.  Both children were used of God to bring forth healing prayer when illness came.  During COVID, Ashley and I were terribly sick, and Noah and Eden cared for us and each other, making us meals, cleaning the house, and tending to all other household needs.   They were 10 and 4 years old at the time.  This lasted for a week.  They are still learning and growing in the Spirit as we all are. 

 2) Greg a man who was seeking truth after diagnosis of some health issues came to know Jesus.  Greg continues to grow in discipleship, but we have seen the Lord make financial provisions for his home, bring forth divine appointments at his work as he learns to be salt and light, and we are witnessing God restore a very tattered and broken family.  

 3) During a mission trip to Cuba we were asked to go pray for a young lady who was unable to walk because of blisters and pain all over the bottom of her feet.  We anointed her feet in oil and declared healing over her.  She jumped up and started to slam her feet on the ground and then we all broke out in worship, even forming a conga line through the house.  To God be the glory! 

 4) Two different men in Tucson had committed adultery and both wives were faithful to remain in the marriage.  Through extraordinary and divine encounters in each man's life with Jesus the Christ, then men are faithfully restoring their families in the Lord.  throughout our time in Tucson, we believed and prayed for Kinsman redeemers to be raised up to restore family order.    

 5) During a time of ministry in the Pima County Jail, I was asked to provide a headbutt to an inmate.  A man named Damian was seeking a breakthrough and to my surprise the Lord said to bump heads with him.  I cautioned Damian before attempting this spoken word of the Lord and lovingly and gently we bumped heads.  Damian almost fell to the ground.  He said, what was that?  I said, I am not sure all that you received but it was the Holy Spirit who delivered the download.  Our aim at the Pima County Jail was to help the residents learn how to walk out community in their PODS.  

  6) On a mission trip to Turkey, I stayed with a former Muslim who also worked for the Japanese.  He ran a night club for gay people, but a powerful follower of Christ would come to the night club often and pray for people at the club.  One night this former Muslim man met Jesus and now he is a church planter.  He wept at the breakfast table when I told him that his servanthood changed my life.  The manner in which I witnessed this man serve has altered the way I serve others.  To God be the glory!